
Government Relations

Governments, Ministry's of Finance, Financial Exchanges, International Trade Associations, ...

Investor Relations

Business Media, Brokers, Analysts, Investors, Road Shows, Briefings, Meetings, Trade Shows, ...

Media Relations

Business Media - Print, TV/Cable, Internet, Radio, Newsletters, ...

Capital Formation

Contacts in Financial Centers Worldwide, ...


Emerging Markets, Offshore Jurisdictions, Government Relations, Asset Management, Mining, ...


Design, Content Development & Maintenance,...

Business & Marketing Plans

Market Position & Strategy, Market Analysis, Management Experience, Cash Flow Analysis, ...

Corporate Presentations

Fact Sheets, Press Releases, Brochures & Press Kits, Power Point Presentations, ...


In today's rapidly changing global economy, it has become increasingly evident that industry leaders are no longer able to rely solely on practical business skills supported by basic industry research and market trends.

With the sudden collapse of several top-tier financial institutions, together with the across the board failure of the rating agencies to analyze and identify the risks and fraud associated with certain market segments, the domestic and international markets have been upended and are now in the process of being repaired.

CFM was quick to recognize the need for industry specific research that is designed to assist business executives to make smarter and more informed decisions as well as expand into developing markets.

The CFM team of analysts has in-depth experience in Emerging Markets, Offshore Jurisdictions, Government Relations, Asset Management, Mining, Commodities, Consumer and Healthcare products.
