
Government Relations

Governments, Ministry's of Finance, Financial Exchanges, International Trade Associations, ...

Investor Relations

Business Media, Brokers, Analysts, Investors, Road Shows, Briefings, Meetings, Trade Shows, ...

Media Relations

Business Media - Print, TV/Cable, Internet, Radio, Newsletters, ...

Capital Formation

Contacts in Financial Centers Worldwide, ...


Emerging Markets, Offshore Jurisdictions, Government Relations, Asset Management, Mining, ...


Design, Content Development & Maintenance,...

Business & Marketing Plans

Market Position & Strategy, Market Analysis, Management Experience, Cash Flow Analysis, ...

Corporate Presentations

Fact Sheets, Press Releases, Brochures & Press Kits, Power Point Presentations, ...

Media Relations

Media Relations is the Core of Our Business

CFM's team of media relations professionals has deep ties in major and secondary business markets worldwide.

Capital Formation Marketing's direct contacts, along with our combined database of business editors, analysts, institutional investors and leading decision makers, offers the depth and breadth of major International Relations agencies without the passing their high overhead costs to our clients.

Our goal is to develop a long-term dialogue with the worldwide business media, brokers institutional investors and analysts to establish our client as a success story with a fiscal track record for sustained growth.

Bermuda Placed on Tax Haven ‘White List’

BSX CEO, Greg Wojciechowski, Interviewed On CNBC
Hamilton, Bermuda - 29 June, 2009 – BSX CEO, Greg Wojciechowski, comments on Bermuda being removed from the OECD's 'Tax Haven Grey List’ and elevated to the White List during an interview on CNBC, aired 11th June, 2009.